
Showing posts with label The Father's Sacrifice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Father's Sacrifice. Show all posts


Prince Humayun taken seriously ill --- no physician could succeed in curing him --- Babar, losing all hope, offered his own life for saving his son’s --- went round, the patient’s bed thrice prayer granted.
The Story.

Humayun was the eldest son of Kind Babar. Once he was taken seriously ill. His condition became very critical one day. Babar was advised to sacrifice his dearest possession for the sake of the prince. He felt that it was his one life. So he went thrice round the patient’s bed, praying that he might fall ill in place of his son. And, lo! God granted his prayer. Babar was taken ill, and Humayun began to feel better day by day. At last he recovered and the king passed away.