
Showing posts with label The First Sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The First Sunrise. Show all posts



A story from the ancient Australians

Long time ago the Earth was dark in the Dreamtime. There was no light and the ground was very cold and black. Heavy gray clouds blocked out the light and heat and these clouds were so low that the animals had to crawl. The emu was limping and bending its neck until it almost reached the ground. Kangaroos could not jump and birds could only fly a few feet in the air. Only snakes were happy because they lived close to the surface of the earth.

The animals lived crawling around the damp dark ground, feeling for fruits and berries. It was very difficult for these animals to find food and often several days passed between meals. The Wombat became so tired by frequent collisions of creatures with it that it dug itself a hole and learned to sleep in it for a long time. In the end, the birds felt that they could not bear more than that, so they called for a meeting that included all the animals. And the Magpie suggested that they raise the sky by assembling sticks to push the sky up. All the animals agreed and considered it a good idea and decided to collect the sticks. Each Magpie took a large stick and began to push the sky up.

Emu, kangaroo, and wombat looked at the Magpies as they slowly lifted the sky up, using sticks as levers, and set the sky first on large rocks and then on small hills. The ground was still dark, but the emu could at least extend their legs and the kangaroo could make high, confident leaps. The Magpies kept pushing the sky higher and higher until they reached the top of the highest mountain in all the earth. And after a great effort, they gave the sky a final push, and it rose up in the air. And as she rose, she parted, and the warmth flowed through her. Light poured out into the ground beneath her, and the whole sky was filled with beautiful red and yellow colors. That was the first sunrise.

Enjoying the beauty, the light and the warmth, the Magpies began to sing and their song spread across the land. And now, every morning, when the sun rises in the east, it kindles a fire to prepare the torch with which it will move across the sky daily. This is the fire that will give the first light of dawn and then the sun will take the torch and begin its daily journey across the sky. And when it reaches the western edge of the world, it extinguishes its heading flame. After that she sits down and redecorates herself in the amazing red and yellow to prepare for her long underground journey back to the primeval point in the East. And yet, every day, when the sun rises and lights a fire in the early morning, all the Magpies greet them with their beautiful singing.