
Showing posts with label The Mischievous Monkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Mischievous Monkey. Show all posts


A monkey lives near a shoe-maker’s house --- spoils everything in his absence --- a plan to get rid of him --- pretends to cut his throat with a razor ---- goes in --- finds the monkey dead on his return.
The Story.
A mischievous monkey lived in a tree near the shop of a poor shoe-maker. It sat on the nearest branch for hours and saw him at work. But it came down to work like him, as soon as he went in. In this way it spoiled the leather and damaged many shoes. But it jumped out of his reach the moment it saw him.

One day he thought of a clever plan to get rid of his enemy. He sat down in his shop in full view of the monkey. He pretended to cut his throat with a razor. Then he left it on the floor and went in. on his return he was delighted to see the monkey lying dead in a pool of blood.