


A flock of doves regularly came --- After filling their stomachs --- A dove hunter watch these birds --- huge net fell over them --- we are trapped --- idea --- carried the net together --- went to a mouse --- set all the doves free --- Moral.

The Story.

Every day a flock of doves regularly came to field, where a farmer used to dry his grains. After filling their stomachs, they flew back home.

A dove hunter watch these doves come there every day. He then planned to hunt the doves. The next day as usual the doves came to the regular place for eating. When they were happily eating the grains, suddenly a huge net fell down over them and the doves were trapped by the hunter.

They were all shocked. Hey! we are trapped what do we do now, one of them said. But the dove king wise. I have an idea that is we all must act together. We shall all fly up together and carrying the net with us to the friend's place. As advised by the dove king, they carried the net together and flew away.

They went to a mouse, who was one of their best friends. Please help and set us free by cutting the net with your sharp teeth. Don't worry I will do it now.

The mouse cut the net with his teeth and set all the doves free. The doves were very grateful to the little mouse for saving them, and flew away together happily.

Moral: United we stand divided we fall.



A story from the ancient Australians

Long time ago the Earth was dark in the Dreamtime. There was no light and the ground was very cold and black. Heavy gray clouds blocked out the light and heat and these clouds were so low that the animals had to crawl. The emu was limping and bending its neck until it almost reached the ground. Kangaroos could not jump and birds could only fly a few feet in the air. Only snakes were happy because they lived close to the surface of the earth.

The animals lived crawling around the damp dark ground, feeling for fruits and berries. It was very difficult for these animals to find food and often several days passed between meals. The Wombat became so tired by frequent collisions of creatures with it that it dug itself a hole and learned to sleep in it for a long time. In the end, the birds felt that they could not bear more than that, so they called for a meeting that included all the animals. And the Magpie suggested that they raise the sky by assembling sticks to push the sky up. All the animals agreed and considered it a good idea and decided to collect the sticks. Each Magpie took a large stick and began to push the sky up.

Emu, kangaroo, and wombat looked at the Magpies as they slowly lifted the sky up, using sticks as levers, and set the sky first on large rocks and then on small hills. The ground was still dark, but the emu could at least extend their legs and the kangaroo could make high, confident leaps. The Magpies kept pushing the sky higher and higher until they reached the top of the highest mountain in all the earth. And after a great effort, they gave the sky a final push, and it rose up in the air. And as she rose, she parted, and the warmth flowed through her. Light poured out into the ground beneath her, and the whole sky was filled with beautiful red and yellow colors. That was the first sunrise.

Enjoying the beauty, the light and the warmth, the Magpies began to sing and their song spread across the land. And now, every morning, when the sun rises in the east, it kindles a fire to prepare the torch with which it will move across the sky daily. This is the fire that will give the first light of dawn and then the sun will take the torch and begin its daily journey across the sky. And when it reaches the western edge of the world, it extinguishes its heading flame. After that she sits down and redecorates herself in the amazing red and yellow to prepare for her long underground journey back to the primeval point in the East. And yet, every day, when the sun rises and lights a fire in the early morning, all the Magpies greet them with their beautiful singing.



Long ago --- a young prince who wanted --- Best wife --- Whom he could trust --- hold a match --- flower seed --- become my bride --- huge celebration --- carrying a clay pot --- choose his wife --- exchanged my seed --- the girl was honest --- got married --- whole village celebrated all night ---

The Story.

Long ago, there was a young prince who wanted to find his best wife. The prince wanted to marry a beautiful girl. But above all, he wanted to marry an honest girl whom he could trust. One day, the prince decided how to choose the right wife. "I will hold a match, and all the girls in the village can participate," he declared. And the girls of the village gathered to hear the prince's speech. They were all very beautiful, and ardently desired to marry the handsome prince. 'I know how to choose my wife from you,' declared the prince. 'I will give each of you a flower seed, and the girl who will plant the biggest and most beautiful flower will become my bride.' Each girl took a seed and promised to return the following month for a festival at which the prince would choose his bride. The festival will be a huge celebration, and the whole village will attend so that they know who will become the Prince's bride.

The month passed quickly, and soon the day of the festival came. Food was plentiful, music was pleasant, celebrations and predictions abounded among the villagers. Each girl arrived in turn, and each carried her flower

in a small clay vase, and each flower was more beautiful and smelled more beautiful than the last. But a shy and quiet girl from the village arrived carrying a clay pot containing nothing but dirt. In the middle of the pot, the seed was alone without a flower. The girls with beautiful flowers said to her: "Why did you come even though you did not sow a flower from your seed?" The villagers mocked and mocked her for not being able to grow a simple flower while the other girls succeeded. They asked her: "How did you not succeed in growing a flower from your seed?" Then all the villagers suddenly fell silent.

The prince has arrived, and it is time for him to choose his wife. The prince looked at all the flowers and admired their beauty. And each girl was convinced that the prince chose her to become his bride. But when the prince stood before the girl carrying a vessel containing nothing but the seed, he surprised her and said, "You will be my bride." The villagers were very surprised, but the prince said to them, "I choose this girl because all the seeds I gave you were sterile. I boiled them with water so that no flowers would grow from them. Surely the other girls exchanged my seed for another so that you could grow these flowers and deceive me, but this the girl was honest, so I choose her to be my bride." So the young prince and the young girl got married on the same day, and the whole village celebrated all night, and they ate and drink to the marriage of the prince and his honest bride.